Monday, August 30, 2010

Metropolitan State University - Law Enforcement Center

Metropolitan State University just erected a new facility for its Law Enforcement Center. They choose to incorporate polished concrete throughout the main level's entry way, hall ways, and gathering areas.
The polished concrete was colored Slate gray and seeded with specialty aggregates:
  • Rib Mountain Red
  • Violetta
  • Imperial Gray
  • Mother of Pearl

They also incorporated Polished Concrete precast stair treads. The stair treads were created to consist of the same color and aggregate to show a continuous look.

Carly Dus

Concrete Art

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Exterior Stamping

Concrete Arts did a very unique project this summer at a residential home in St Croix Falls. This beautiful lake home decided to get creative on its siding and used a LifeTime Floors product Karvekrete. The siding was combined with some traditional elements but also created a fairy like castle structure using a Seamless Old granite stamp on the upper elements of the house, a Castle Stone stamp on the base and tower of the house, and a soldier course stamp around windows.

Take a look below at the photos. The home looks absolutely gorgeous and I guarantee there is not another home like this. It has its complete own uniqueness with a beautiful elegance.

Carly Dus
Concrete Arts