Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Asian Retreat

An architect striving for an "Asian Feel" commissioned Concrete Arts to create a surface of his front landscaping area and river side patio. He wanted to incorporate a unique design, product and methodology for this 1,340 square foot area. The result was a clever combination of local materials with an Eastern feel. The lake side patio was poured with our custom Revealed blend of white portland cement and salt and pepper granite aggregates. The front sidewalk was also poured with this mix with granite pepples hand placed in a diamond pattern. The pepples were slightly elevated above the rest of the surface area for texture.

Carly Dus

Concrete Arts

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Remembering Nativity

Nativity Catholic School
250 quotes and 2,600 square feet in memory of Nativity

The Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Parish in St. Paul, MN put on a fundraiser for its private school. The fundraiser consisted of featuring an area in the front
entrance to the school commemorating loved ones and past members of the school and parish.

The 35 year old concrete was tore out and poured new with an integral color, Slate Gray. This 2,600 square foot area was then etched with a retarder to create a
beautiful Sand Cast texture.

All 250 quotes were then sand blasted into the concrete where we previously cut faux joints in the shape of the Nativity emblem. Instead of a separate pour or
staining, we sealed the surface with two different products, Siloxean and Acrylic
Solvent Based Sealer. These sealers created two different finishes on the Sand Cast accenting the boarders, stairs, and sandblasted areas.

Nativity now has a beautiful entrance to the school where people take note of it’s history and legacy. To you Nativity, we say thank you.

Carly Dus

Concrete Arts

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Boy Scout Tribute

A Sand Cast plaza adds beauty and elegance to commemorate the start of boy scouts.

A boy scout statue stood alone for many years unnoticed. As an effort by the Hudson community, a plaza area was designed around this statue to commemorate the achievements of the Boy Scouts.

A Sand Cast texture was chosen because of its durability and cost effectiveness. This texture resembles sand blasted concrete and can incorporate specialized colored sands and or aggregates. This mix however, used the typical concrete mix.

The plaza area had two separate pours. One Pour was integrally colored with Oxford Brown. The second pour was a Beach Sand. The Beach Sand texture was later stained with an Mission Brown to accent squares in front of the benches that surround the plaza.

A monumental feature was precasted to hold all the names of the donators and a write up of the history of the Boy Scouts. This 1200 lb precast piece was stained mission brown to match the accent squares.

The Boy Scout statue now is a focal point of the Hudson down town river front area. The plaza now adds beauty and elegance to the walkways that surround the Pier and St. Croix river area of Hudson, WI.

Carly Dus
Concrete Arts